New EnviroCare MercuryPak Scrubber

New Mercury and SO2 Control Technology by EnviroCare and W.L. Gore

EnviroCare International can now offer elemental mercury scrubbing for the Sewage Sludge Incineration (SSI) market in North America and the International market. Using new materials developed by W.L. Gore and Associates, EnviroCare International can provide mercury guarantees inside existing and new VenturiPak Scrubbers as well as qualifying older scrubber technologies.

We have provided over 19 MercuryPak Scrubbers using this novel new material and have continued to implement scrubber improvements based on our field experience and continuous research and development. We can now provide systems that meet existing source or new source Fluidized Bed Incinerator mercury emission limits for the US EPA. The International market can be served to meet respective country emission limits.